So I'd like to know, what is the indicator function in cars used for here? Do you know what for? Absolutely NOTHING! Shocked much? I don't think so!
Seriously, I don't know why they're built in the cars here since they're not used for their only, sole purpose. I hate it and the people that don't use indicators when turning left or right I call them "Retard" or "Freak on a leash" or "Stupid Idiot"! I mean what the hell?! What annoys me more is some are already too lazy to just flick their finger to work the indicator so imagine someone with a phone in one hand and the other on the steering at an intersection or a roundabout. Oh oh! The hand that's holding the phone is the left which is the one you need to use the indicator...
I think one of the toughest areas on the roads of Oman are the roundabouts. Exclude the fact that one is supposed to slow down, and check for on coming traffic but here it's full on speed into the roundabout. If there's on coming traffic they're supposed to stop (which I don't understand for your information). Then there's me. I'm waiting for those cars to pass by with their full on speed thinking that they're going forward (passing in front of me since they didn't indicate that they'll turn and the speed they're traveling in gives you the impression there's going to be no turning!) but instead and sometimes last minute, they turn! WHY? Why did you not use the indicators? Why did you waste my time? People here drive as if they own the roads or that there's no one else on the road except for themselves. Or they expect you to read their mind or something. This is where people really need to think about others.
*sighs* One should give it a small thought really. Like what's it going to do if you indicated when you're turning? What's it going to do to the person(s) you indicated to? I know what! You won't be sworn at (in cases like me) and the other person's time will not be wasted and heck you might be praised even if you might not be able to hear it!
I don't want to generalize but so far I've only seen two people using the indicator so don't blame me.