May 4, 2009

Wasabi Dare!

Woochooooooooooooooooooooh!! ^o^

So I declared a dare sometime last week...ehm, ehm.
This dare involves Sara eating a SPOON full of Wasabi, keeping it in her mouth for 5 seconds, chew it, then swallow. If she clears all stages of the dare, I treat to her to unlimited sushi for a day and a medium (which is like HUGE) size pop-corn <3 to the next movie we go to.

One might ask, what is Wasabi?

Well Wikipedia says:
Wasabi is a member of the Brassicaceae (G: "ay?!") family, which includes cabbages, horseradish and mustard. Known as "Japanese horseradish", its root is used as a spice and has an extremely strong flavour. Its hotness is more related to that of a hot mustard than the capsaicin in a pepper, producing vapors that irritate the nasal passages more than the tongue.
So basically it burns the hell out of your nose lol.

Not very appetizing is it?! hehe...

I know what Wasabi tastes like. I don't mind it...I just have to be in the mood to eat it. Plus I can't stand it by itself, I have to mix it with Soy Sauce. But point being, I know how horrible it is to first timers =P

So the dare took place at lunch time today. Being the mean person I am, I took a HUGE amount of Wasabi from our favorite restaurant Bongo. I set the scene *Dexter* for Sara:
  • Big Piece of Tissue - Check
  • Aloe Vera Juice - Check
  • Camera - Check
  • Spoon full of Wasabi - CHECK!
And we waited....

Sara closes the gap between the spoon full of Wasabi and her mouth. The next second you know it, the Wasabi has reached it's destination xD seconds pass. Sara goes to second stage! *She's actually doing this*

Chew chew chew......

Then it HITS! The vapors from the Wasabi has finally gotten to her nose. Sara grabs the tissue quickly and spits all the Wasabi out (though she swallowed the rest that was still in her mouth...but that doesn't count =P) was too much to handle. Then tears started coming, due to the effect of Wasabi on the nose. Then the "swearing at G" happened....

After Sara calmed down I declared victory, shook hands with Sara and told her I was proud of her for attempting such a hard/crazy dare T__T

I honestly thought she was going to be able to do it, complete the tasks...but I guess it was just too much Wasabi. One small bit in the mouth can do damage. Imagine a spoon full xD

*Applauds Sara*


R came to ask for help about something stupid today. I swear it's either she's lucky, or I'm massively unlucky. As soon as I entered the doors of R-block, she comes out of one of the labs. My morning just went down the drain because of her...I was on the verge of tears after Sara saved (again) me.

One person can ruin your mood but then there is/are friend(s) that just make your whole flippin' DAY! T__T


Anonymous said...

I am sorry Sara! =P

Next time you dare G-chan to do something HORRIBLE! XD

This made my day!
Next time, make G-chan do it! =P

cK said...

This shows the evil G and the innocent Sara :p
ahahah that cracked me up xD
This wasabi thing seems great to get high *.*

nosa said...

hahahaha wasabi always scared me :p
all japanese scare me! hahaha

so poor thing :D but it sounded soo fun n eivl :D

n R! 5atwali :p

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

@Squinty: Sara has dared me...I have to eat the Wasabi now >.<

@cK: maybe, but Sara is not innocent xD It doesn't get you high O.O it messes you up! =P

@nosa: noooo! don't say that! Japanese are cool <3

it was fun thanx =D

honestly! Yes 5atwali =P

Hamdy Elgammal said...

You're one evil genius XD

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...


I have to was good xD