Goodbye for now
Goodbye for now
So long...
Wow O.o It's finally....today! To my surprise, I don't feel anything what so ever xD I'm normal, as if today is another day of the week, except we're only going to be traveling a couple of 1000k's horizontally and vertically, to the otherside (*sings Red Hot Chili Peppers song Otherside xD) of the world. lol. I guess it will totally "hit" when we get to the airport and realize =O we're actually going...there.
So it's raining. Yup! Such a prefect day for rain...-________- This whole week was absolutely beautiful, sunny, blue clear skies, but here I am, staring out the window (oh how dramatic xD) looking at how gray, miserable and crappy the weather is. Well on a positive note at least we're leaving this rain, cold (though I'll miss the cold) and miserable weather, to go to an OVEN (lol) and sunny skies. Inshallah it'll be great!
Now everyone, please keep your blogs alive and kicking =P I want to come back to a lot of entries to read and heck I'm going to comment on everything I've missed even if you don't end up reading them...at least I commented =D So yeah! This goes out to Sarz (take care of 3WsC for me and Phat lol...we're both away so it's up to you to make it ROCK!! I know you'll do an awesome job!), mr. cK, sweet faith (I'm going to see you soon young lady =D), dear muggle and nadia...just basically everyone on my blog roll. You guys are all interesting and I love reading your blogs =D
*** I won't make this too long cos I have a few things to do before we get going to the airport, but here I am, asking from ALL of you guys, especially those that know me and talk to me, to forgive me =) If I ever said anything that might have offended or hurt you...I'm sorry =(
N.B. I sometimes do this 'thing' where I say something (I don't realize it then) and after that it's too late and thinking about it I realize that it wasn't such a good thing to say =(...I don't like when this happens =\ Wanted to complain/blog about it even.
So yeah! Please forgive me, just in case something happens to the airplane or something (=P jokes. Shouldn't joke about these things O.o) and I don't want to leave this world knowing that there could be someone(s) that maybe hurt/angry from me.
Take care of yourselves everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful time with what you're up to at the moment and Inshallah I'll be back to blogging and commenting on your blogs soon enough.
To Sarz: Love you hon! You rock!!! Take care and I'm going to miss you so much *cries* Don't watch any movies till I'm back =P
Okay! I'm off to do a bit of work before the mini bus comes picks us up to take us to the airport.
Byeeeeee! ^_^
Travel date - 18th June Friday 2009
Take off - 6:00pm
Oh.My.Gosh!!! >_<