Jun 3, 2009

Band: If These Trees Could Talk

I seriously don't get why this band is not THAT famous (?). Why is it always that the suck-y musicians get famous while the hardcore, great ones are not even well known? Huh?!

If These Trees Could Talk self titled album is absolutely great!! Actually it's all that I've been listening to for the past week, and still listening. This is the kind of music I truly enjoy. It's pure music. No vocals, no lyrics. Everything is expressed through the music. Trust me, you will feel it! I've always been the "music listener" more than the "lyrics listener", so that explains my attraction to the band. Plus I'm a guitar freak and this band is all about guitar music.

Genre: a heavy shade of instrumental Post-rock.

So their music is instrumental. Mainly electric guitars, bass guitar and a set of drums. What more can I ask for, eh?! The band consists of 3 electric guitarists, 1 Bassist and 1 drummer. Everything is made using only those 3 instruments. The effects done using the guitars are flippin' awesome. At first I thought there was some piano/techno device but it turned out to be just the electric guitars but with effects!

I first discovered them when I watched the new COOL (=O) PS3 game inFAMOUS (<< cool official website), where their song "Malabar Front" got featured in the trailer of the game. If you haven't seen the trailer yet...-_______-

Watch it here - inFAMOUS Trailer <<<<

So yeah! I liked the song so much while watching the trailer...that I decided to hunt for the song/band name. Yay for me, I found them and managed to get my hands on one of their albums.

They just rock! Seriously.

If These Trees Could Talk - Malabar Front

Yes! It's an 8:05 minutes long instrumental. True that their self titled album has 5 songs only, but they're no shorter than 4:06. Absolutely great! <3



Nadia said...

Thanks for posting. I'm always looking for new music. I'll look them up on YouTube when I get home (Becaaaause my work PC doesn't have speakers, dammit).

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Hey! No probs ^^

Hope you like them, and tell me what you think! =D

Lady MAB said...

Wow, the song's awesome. I'm totally downloading their album now! Thanks for sharing XD

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...


Someone's got taste ;-)