Nov 10, 2008

Smiling like an idiot

Today as I was doing some house work, I found my self thinking and remembering past stuff that happened here in NZ. Some of these things made want to laugh...but most of them made me smile. Literally, as I was working I started smiling. The more I thought about all of these different things the bigger my smile became (btw I'm going wild with the whole smiling thing now that my braces are off =D).

I suddenly "snapped out of it" and realized that I was smiling like an idiot. I stopped doing what I was doing for a few seconds and was like "What the hell?" *in my head =p*. My smile was still there but I was totally surprised with myself xD...Then I just got back to what I was doing....

These thoughts were off people that I've only seen 4-5 times through out the years I've lived in NZ (end of 4th year now). Some of the situations were funny and others were nice.

Isn't it weird how these thoughts/memories/what ever you want to call them, just come out of no where, thinking and remembering past stuff and people you HARDLY see. Then you start smiling at them?!?! =D

What's this called? *thinks*

I'll leave with a few shots that I took with my phone yesterday =D

^ Under a bridge...quite freaky =p


Anonymous said...

Inshallah doom smiling =).
Really nice pictures! I wanna go to NZ right now!

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...


Thank you =)

Anonymous said...

hey Chan =) hope you are fine , looking at NZ beautiful nature , always reminds of some thing which i will share with you via PM.

you will understand why i go crazy when i see such pics ^_^.

Take more pics girl ^_^

Temnojar <3


Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Ooooh!! *Excited*

Will buy a camera =D *can't wait*

Wat's Temnojar??


Amarant said...

lol what a crazy moment!

bs zain ur feeling better without the braces ;)

and nice shots!

Anonymous said...

Alright now you already know what i mean by that word , so dont be surprised why i enjoy watching these pics.

Temnojar Temnojar Temnojar

keep it up !!

yours : Soulless

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Yeah crazy moment! Nice though =p

Thank you!

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Yeah I know's Amazing!! ;)
