Apr 10, 2009

Me vs. Dexter

Funny title...it just means there's 2 parts to this entry =P

So here I am, last day of the first week of the study break and all I can say is that it's just been...weird (?). Days are going by so fast where I'm too scared to close and open my eyes to find myself back at uni! -_____-

I feel that I didn't get to do some of the many things I wanted to do, and I've started to worry about assignments already =S Yeah! Assignments, in the flippin' holidays *sigh*

Been watching a lot of movies (as usual), went out here and there...but the only thing that I've been "craving" for and missing to do is to drive to AUX. Haven't done that since Mom and I dropped Dad at the airport when he was going back to Oman (which was sometime in Jan/Feb). I really miss going to AUX. I mostly miss the driving! *crosses fingers and hopes to go to AUX sometime next week*

On a more positive note...winter is TRULY upon us right now! No kidding! I'm absolutely loving it...but it's really cold that it's difficult getting out of bed in the morning because you're nice and warm under the covers *love that feeling*. The cold has come really early this year and it's THAT cold so everyone is hoping/predicting SNOW!! YES! SNOW!! IN HAMILTON! How cool would that be?!!! I would really love it if it snowed...it should be awesome <3

Learning a new full song on my acoustic guitar, "Apocalyptica - Nothing Else Matters". When I first started playing the guitar I found this song hard. But almost 4 days ago, I gave it another shot and I can play the full (almost) song...badly, with many mistakes and at a slower pace. I can totally sense that this song will take the longest time to master compared to the other songs I've learned. Though, so far so good and damn I just love that song!


So I've started watching this series called "Dexter". I tried to watch it back when it first came out...I think I only saw the first episode and "back then", I couldn't stand seeing blood, gory, you name it, movies/series. So I kinda ditched it. But then I watched Saw 1 and things turned around for me lol! So anyways, I decided to give this series another shot, plus Sara and NFace both were encouraging and exciting me about it...they both told me that I'd like it....They were right! I got the whole first season of Sara (thanx!) and today I watched the first 2 episodes. I like it A LOT! This series is so different than the usual typical CSI/Cops/Murders/etc series. There's this cheekiness as well or should I say Dexter is the cheeky one xD I like him...he's really cool but he's got this dark side in him that it's creepy but you can't help but like him! lol.

This series reminds me very much of Death Note...the anime. They both have the same "concept" except one casts "judgment" using a book and the other is done by...raw hands @_@ No one will understand what I mean unless you've seen both of these (Dexter and Death Note).

I'm excited to see the rest of the episodes *can't wait*...so this is a recommendation to those that like...blood (?), smart, thriller, etc, etc, series. It's really great!

That's it from me.


cK said...

the cover of the song rocks , master it soon and post a cover in youtube =P
i heard about this series too!blood , gore, and smartness then il check it out too , it better be good >.<

NiGhTFaCe said...

And finally!

You can't say versus Dexter, you are supposed to be on his side, I love his character, I feel its like me =S

I can't wait for season four, guess its coming out this September.

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

cK: *will try my best*...if you liked Death Note, then you will totally like this one. But Dexter is like "real", bloodier, creepier, list goes on =D

NFace: lol...tell me about it!

loool but I am on his side! Should I change the title to "Me & Dexter" then him and I can go skipping into the distance singing 'Im walking on sunshine' while holding hands =P (lol)
I love his character too, he's just awesome...bes ONE OF A KIND ma fee '3airo or someone like him *obsession* =P

4 seasons already huh! That's awesome!