Jul 19, 2009

I'm not much of a flying person

So am back in NZ *sad* (I want to be back in Jordan with my cousins) I've had enough of airports...seriously. I'm so jet lagged at the moment since I'm sitting on a chair, which reminds me of sitting in an airplane lol *nightmare*. It was a really really rough flight from Oman to NZ to the point that I became so pale that I got called a ghost *cries remembering the flight*. It's not that it was scary and like "oh we're gonna die" kind of flight, but it was just really tiring, uncomfortable, unbelievable turbulence, bad "driving" (talking about the pilots here), bleh I don't know...it was just all messed up really. OH!! I'm never touching airplane food again...EVER!!

Despite all of this...this trip is by far the most amazing trip EVER!! El 7amdulellah it was wonderful and we were surprised by how wrong we were about Jordan lol.

*Stay tuned for posts from my diary of this trip + the pictures =D *

Dubai Airport
waiting in front of our gate .
This bag has become my traveling bag and
this is my new favorite key chain.

Our stupid plane (Emirates) at Aussie (Melbourne Airport)
Loved the sky.
Anyways I'm glad that I'm home on the ground...safe xD I'm not much of a flying person (it seems) lol. What I'm loving about NZ at the moment is the cold weather! I think we came back when the coldness hits harder. Also, the thought of seeing Sarz and having sushi for lunch at uni.

I've missed a week of uni...will be getting back to it tomorrow. Aaargh! The thought of that seems tiring lol. Taking 4 papers this semester SMST319 (Game Studies), COMP436 (Advanced Graphics and Computer Games), COMP437 (User Interfaces for Information Retrieval), COMP477 (Report of an Investigation). I'm quite excited actually cos they seem like fun papers. I read what the first project for the "Game Studies" paper and what we have to do is play a horror game (=D), analyze it, talk about it and compare horror games with horror films. It's a 2000-2500 words essay so gotta do some major research also. I have no idea which game to play but I'm thinking of Resident Evil 4. I've played it before and gave up on it cos it freaked me out =\ lol. The "Report of an Investigation" is a full semester project *freaky* where I'll be supervised by one professor (cos it's his topic). I chose "Hierarchical Menus" and it's going to be web based (perfect!) where I have to come up with ways of making menus better and user friendly. That's as much as I know anyways...so hope it's going to be good!

Anywho, this is what I've got to say so far...will start writing about my trip (I kept a diary like I promised =P) and posting more pics inshallah.


nosa said...

i had the widest smile when i saw ur comment on my blog :D

GOOOD to have u bk n welcome home :D
im glad u enjoyed!!

yes i know its a killer to have a tiring flight ! like long long hours n endless sitting!

thought i was in first class when going to Shanghai ( no more 4 me :'( ) i would have died! 10 hours is too long really ! hehe

i love airplane food.. y didnt u like it??

btw waiting 4 ur pixs from the trip :D

Muggle said...

Yay I got excited when I saw you updated your blog :D! El7amdella 3al salamaaa!
Yallaah we wanna read all about your trip! I'm so sorry the flight was so horrible.
And your Games something paper sounds pretty fun ;)! I can't believe you get to play for your modules :P.

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...


thank you so much! it is such a long flight...but i'd rather go with it than to have to land take off every few hours xD *chicken*

from dubai to aussie is like 13 hours straight, then from aussie to nz 3 hours =\ damn everytime i think about it I feel sick -______-

with the food it reached the point where it was just too much and it became tasteless or didn't taste good at all so that's *cries*

yes yes! stay tuned =D

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Allah yesalmek dear muggle ^_^

bleh the flight is gone...is in the past lol =P

I know...I can't believe it either!! *excited*

cK said...

at last updated =P *saved us from the boredom*
u shouldv moved around the airplane then if dont like sitting xD
wt about resident evil 5 ?i heard its good :D

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Yeah I updated but someone hasn't been doing much of that -_____-*

Meh! Too lazy xD