Mar 12, 2009

Before and After

Hey hey!

Bless Sara's little soul for bringing her awesome (mashallah) camera to uni today and for actually trusting me with it xD She taught me how to hold it, what to press, what Macro and Portrait modes do *I suck at Macro mode...hard to control the focus*, and how to turn off the flash. I took a couple of photos and I must say I loved "shooting" with that camera. It was amazing, and I haven't held a camera in like 2 months or something *since my dear old camera passed away*.

So here are some of the shots I took. Now the title of the post says "Before and After", so the Before shots are the originals, and the After shots are the Edited shots done by Sara herself (I said shots a lot xD)...



cK said...

nice shots ! RIP gchan camera

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...


RIP =(

Amarant said...

cool shots! melike ;)

when will u get ur own SLR G ??

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

Thanx!! =)

*cries* hopefully soon!