Lily (Twinkle) dedicated it to me on ES and it's the first I know of this song. Loved thanx lily!! <3 Didn't know of this from Breaking Benjamin!!! Best song I've ever heard from BB!
Final Fantasy <3
Surely staying as long as Thyme and Olives إنا باقون ما بقي الزعتر و الزيتون
one of my favorite BB songs, after Diary of jane and breath.
i remember last year we were on a VW drive, and we had this song playing on loud voice, there were some tourists checking the scenes and when they saw us soooooo into the song they were O.O
I think this is my favorite BB song. This is like the best song I've heard from them. I've downloaded Phobia and have listened to it already's such an awesome album <3
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