So I was watching this Syrian series (the only kind of series I watch in Arabic. One, for the accent and two, for good stories) on Abu Dahbi +1....I don't remember it's name because it's the longest name for a series I've ever heard/read but that's where I heard the word. I know it, have heard it before but seemed to forget about it. But for some reason when I heard it yesterday I liked it =D xD
En-e2Le3 = Enqale3 (إنقلع)= Go away...but a bit harsher.
So as we all know the ق is turned into an ء (ah) (hamza) when it comes to almost all shami countries accents. So when I heard it, I started laughing but then I tried saying it. I faaaaailed miserably!! xD
I kept on mixing the hamza with the 3. So instead of saying "En-e2Le3" I'd say En-3eLe3. I don't know why xD!!!! Anyways it's my new "frequently used" word...which I got the hang of right now....after practice xD
You're probably wondering why I'm finding this quite a "mission" since this kind of accent should be familair to me (because I'm Palestinian and all)...I'm ashamed to say my arabic is bit weak...well actually now I think about it, my accent is the weak one!!! xD
I've mixed around with so many people from different countries that I end up picking their words/accents and mix them with what I already have - Omani, Iraqi, Jordanian, Syrian - so imagine talking to'll never know where I'm from unless I tell you xD
Was this worth blogging about???
Happy New Year =)
Just to answer your question at the end, NO! =P
The word verification I got to post this was 'enice', now this is weird!
Yeah Yeah Yeah =P
lol @ the verification word!
They're always weird btw.
en-e2le3 NF! it was too worth blogging about!
hahaha I swear you're so adorable G-chan :D
^_^ happy new year
better events ahead inshallah..
loooool Lily!!! xD
Thanx *talk about girl power =P*
*shy* Inshallah better events for all of us =)
YES, to your question ;)
LoL I love it when you make simple things look nicer. Keep it up hunz (l) =D
Happy new year in both calanders btw =D
Aaw...thanx a lot Faitho *hugs*
Happy new year to you too...for both calenders =D
LOOL a77 I miss your blog! you should update more often!! and LOL @ you and en2le3 xD.
Sure thang =P
en-e2l3i! (had to say it lol!)
i remember when i was in 2nd grade, we had a lesson in Arabic class about melon..i think.
"البائع ينادي بطيخٌ بطيخ"
"البائع" was very hard for me to pronounce haha! xD
i kept mixing it with 3.. just like you :p
Happy New Year G-Chan! ^-^
ah sa7 wallah...I also had troubles with that one =S
Mama gave me another word yesterday seeing how I'm all "en2el3" using and stuff xD Spoons (plural) Mala3e2...I'm not even sure if I said that right =P
Thanx for stopping by =)
my word verficatoin was bangme.
your country says all of them, you do know that each inch has different ways to deliever the beautiful accent. Because it mainly mixed with hebrew and sumaria until arab came to us and introduced islam. For Gaza its different, because they have many egyptian words because of one period of time they were one with egypt so its quite different there.
Pali say, En2ele3(Jaffa, Aryha..etc), Enkele3(Tolkarem), EnGele3(Gaza).
Quote: "Pali say, En2ele3(Jaffa, Aryha..etc), Enkele3(Tolkarem), EnGele3(Gaza)."
Yes very very
My grandmother says Enkele3 (now that I remember and my mom mentioned it the other day)=D
I love how they're said/sound different from one place to another. Not just in Palestine, even the other shami countries.
I prefer Enkele3 over all! It's sounds better/stronger and it's easier said =P
Thanx for stopping by =)
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