Jan 4, 2009

Ghaza under attack!

So the Israelis have done it. They started attacking furthermore, sending their tanks and helicopters, you name it, into Gaza, killing and destroying. I've been watching the news all morning (from almost the moment this whole monstrosity started).

Absolutely terrifying what's happening there and God knows when it will end.
God be with you all (Palestinians/Hamas), continue resisting and fighting for your country!!! If Israel has has been defeated before, then it can be defeated again. God be with you and give you the patients through this monstrosity.

SHAME on all the Arab governments for actually allowing this to happen. Our elders, brothers, sisters and children are being murdered by the minute...it's TIME to take some ACTION!!!

Part 1

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

Here's another video where Israeli soldiers shoot tear gas in west bank against protesters and Press TV's correspondent =S

'Paying the price for being your eyes in the field.'

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